3D Engraved Wooden Caricature


A unique, special offering that will surely leave a lasting impression in the heart forever!”

“A symbol of a special bond of love with your loved ones”


Special and never embarrassing, perfect as a gift, souvenir, or keepsake with your loved ones!

Product Specifications Wooden Caricature 3D Engraving

  1. Digital painting with maximum results (NOT EDITED, AI GENERATED, or APPLICATION GENERATED

  2. Made and engraved directly on wood (NOT STICKERS or APPLIED DECALS)

  3.  It will never fade, discolor, mold, or peel off forever

  4. Free to request the photo style according to your preferences and liking

  5. 100% Product and service guaranteed, no nonsense

Get it now

!Special Price Today to Carve Lasting Impressions and Memories in the Heart of Your Loved Ones!

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Product Result from Painting Process
Product Result from Editing Process
Made on wood (Not on paper)
Price Above is for 1 Person Painting
Additional Person: $5 per Face
Larger Sizes Available Upon Request
Free Custom Theme and Style
Free Custom Text
5-Year Warranty

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Do You Have Any Questions?

Please click on the item you’d like to inquire about below!

“Please send the photo you want to create to our WhatsApp or upload it on the checkout page provided in the next step.”

“Your order will be shipped directly from our production facility located in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia

To ensure maximum results and avoid disappointment, the production process follows a queue with an estimated time of 3-5 days.


“Payment can be made via PayPal, QRIS, Credit Card, and Debit Card.”

Since this is a custom product that cannot be resold to others in case of a failed transaction, we do not accept payment on delivery. However, a 50% down payment is required, and the remaining balance can be paid once the product is completed and ready to ship

Products and services are 100% guaranteed with a warranty! If the product is damaged or not as expected, we will replace it with a new one or refund 100% without any deductions!

Please fill out the form below and continue to consult your order with us via WhatsApp!

Ada Pertanyaan Ini?

Silahkan klik hal yang ingin ditanyakan dibawah ini ya..!!!

Untuk pemesanan, kirim foto yang mau kami lukis dan ukir di kayu via whatshApp

Pesanan kaka akan kami kirim langsung dari workshop resmi kami yang beralamat di Jl. Gn. Nangka Kp. Cimanggu Kel. Cipawitra Kec. Mangkubumi Kota Tasikmalya Jawa Barat

Demi mendapatkan hasil lukis yang maksimal dan memuaskan proses pembuatan tergantung banyaknya antrian, sekitar 3-7 hari dari sekarang ya kak..

Untuk pembayaran bisa dengan cara DP Terlebih dahulu sebagai bukti komitment order, dan sisanya bisa bayar setelah selesai atau bayar di rumah (COD) Ketika pesanan sampai.

Produk dan layanan 100% Brgaransi!

Jika produk rusak, luntur, tidak sesuai, atau tidak sampai dalam waktu yang disepakati maka kami ganti baru atau 100% uang kembali tanpa potongan!

Silahkan Isi Kolom Dibawah Ini,
Dan Lanjutkan Konsultasikan Pesananmu Dengan Admin Kami Via WhatshApp

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